Patching is not only about the OS. Secunia found that 86% of vulnerabilities in Windows are coming from non-Microsoft products. So Windows Updates are not sufficient.
Patching is something which should be done as soon as possible. But it does not mean it should be rushed. The typical steps are:- Evaluate the criticality of the patch: Critical security vulnerabilities exploitable remotely without user intervention and giving full admin control should not be treated the same as a patch which corrects a typo in the help document.
- Evaluate whether the vulnerability could be exploited in your environment: If it's a flaw in the JVM but you (wisely) removed the Java plugin from your browser then this should give you some time. If it's a critical security problem in the very specific version of Apache you're running on public facing servers then you should probably have a serious look into it, and rapidly.
- Evaluate the risk this vulnerability represents to the assets your want to protect: Would give access to confidential information? Could critical services be impacted, destroyed? Or is it a less important secondary service which would be impacted?
- Evaluate the mitigation measures you may have or could put in place: If the attacker tries to infect workstations via a known set of servers maybe you can block these IPs at the border. Maybe your IPS already has the signatures to prevent a specific attack to succeed.
- Evaluate the impact of applying the patch: Some patches are easy to test and install, some require a restart of the service, a reboot of the server, or have an impact on functionalities. Your environment will also determine how easy and rapidly you can test and deploy a patch: Do you have a test environment which functionally mirrors your production environment? What could break with this patch? Do you have high availability in place so you can easily deploy a patch on one node, test, and rollback if necessary? How easy is it to rollback?
- Deploy the patch: Once you know you have evaluated that the risk of not-patching is higher than the risk of patching then you should deploy the patch as rapidly as you can. Do you have the appropriate tools to deploy patches? Do you have a patching window in place? Do you have the change control process in place?
- Monitor the environment: Control your monitoring tools to see the impact on your environment (you have monitoring tools and a good baseline, right?) Do you see an impact on the load? Do you see more errors in the logs? More crashes?
- Make sure you have a well documented process in place: Checklists and sign-offs.
- Try to have a test environment which mirror functionally your production environment so you can test patches effectively.
- Have redundancy wherever you can afford, it makes patching safer and much easier.
- Have the right tools to ensure you are fully patched, it's easy to miss a critical patch and stay exposed for weeks or months. Secunia or others are doing a pretty good job (their Personal Software Inspector is free for home use).
- Use auto-update functions where possible: Firefox and Chrome both come with very good and transparent auto-update features, with very limited impact and risk for the environment.
- Patch regularly, even non-critical patches: you may end up to have to install a whole lot of non-critical patches as a prerequisite to install a critical one. And you don't want to do this overnight...
- Always use security-in-depth: It is not always possible to patch immediately or a patch may not even be available for a known vulnerability (Secunia estimates that on average 20% of vulnerabilities still don't have a patch available after 30 days). If you have done your job right you should often have ways to mitigate the risk a vulnerability creates: Firewall, IPS, disabled unused services, etc.
How fast can you deploy a critical patch in your environment? On key systems applying a patch overnight is excellent, 48 hours is very good, a few days becomes risky, and more is often not good enough. As always measure the time to deploy a patch and try to improve the slower parts of the process.
Happy patching!